The history of DLDP

Our partnerships and collaborators

Since 2011, DLDP, in partnership with Venstre, has been advancing democracy through collaborations with liberal parties in developing countries. These partnerships include:

  • 2011-2022: Partnership with the Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD) in Kenya.
  • 2012-2013: Partnership with the liberal party Free Egyptians in Egypt.
  • 2012-2017: Partnership with the National Restoration Party (NARP) in Zambia.
  • 2016-2021: Partnership with the Centre for Multiparty Democracy in Malawi, in collaboration with the Socialist People's Party in Denmark.
  • 2018 – present: Partnership with the Democratic Alliance (DA) in South Africa.
  • 2023 – present: Partnership with CMD in Kenya in conjunction with the Conservative Party in Denmark, Social Democrats in Denmark, and the Socialist People's Party in Denmark.
  • 2023 – present: A joint project with Venstre and the following Danish parties: The Social Democrats, The Conservative Party, Socialist People's Party, The Radikal Left and The Red-Green Alliance.

DLDP promotes democracy and multi-party cooperation by inspiring and sharing best practices. Various segments of Danish society have contributed to this effort by hosting guests on study tours in Denmark. Some of these include: 

  • Care Danmark
  • Dansk Cyklistforbund
  • Danmarks Naturfredningsforening
  • Danske Regioner
  • Dansk Industri
  • Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd
  • Din Forsyning
  • Esbjerg Havn og Esbjerg Kommune
  • Folkemødet på Bornholm
  • Green Power Denmark
  • Karen Blixen Museet
  • Kommunernes Landsforening
  • Københavns Kommune
  • Odense Vand og Odense Kommune
  • Nordatlantisk Hus, Odense
  • Ringsted Kommune
  • Skibelund Efterskole
  • Stevns Kommune
  • Vejen Kommune.

DLDP also sends resource persons abroad to support their partners on home turf, attending meetings, conferences, and workshops. Some individuals involved in these activities include:

  • Political leader for Venstre in Odense, Claus Houden
  • MP and former Mayor in Gribskov Kommune, Kim Valentin
  • Deputy Mayor and former Mayor in Stevns Kommune, Anette Mortensen
  • Former Councillor for Venstre in Odense, Jane Jegind
  • Former MP for Venstre and minister, Ulla Tørnæs
  • Then Chairman of The International Committee at Venstre Youth, Sara Rønning-Bæk
  • Then Campaign Manager in Venstre, Jens Husted
  • Then Secretary General of Venstre, Claus Richter