Our aim

The voice of democracy

The Italian journalist and social critic Alberto Moravia wrote: "Dictatorships are one-way streets. In democracies, there is also opposing traffic". Traffic is a reflection of society – here we encounter men, women, young, old, and children. Traffic functions because there are rules: we yield, hold back, and show consideration.

We live in troubled times. All over the world, we see numerous examples of the rule of the strong leading to oppression, war, and destruction. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the role of political parties. The debate needs more perspectives, and everyone should be willing to listen. Even with a political majority, there is much to gain from considering the minority.

DLDP works to ensure that women have a voice in politics and that the youth are heard. In too many places, these two groups are underrepresented, even though they make up more than half of the population.

DLDP's goal is to ensure respect for each country's democratic system, allowing corruption to be combated, and the courts to remain independent. Our contribution to this is strengthening inclusive parties with a well-functioning internal democracy and fostering a lively dialogue between parties, each offering their responses to the challenges in society.

And our goal is to restore optimism for democracy.

DLDP's strategy 2021-2025

In an adopted strategy, DLDP is currently focusing on the foundation of a strong democracy. In the period 2021-2025, the centerpiece of our partnerships with liberal parties in developing countries is to develop local democracy in municipalities and regions. This strengthens the political and democratic foundation from which parties can work when nominating candidates for national parliamentary elections and formulating political programs.

Democracy in our every day

Everything starts small, including democracy.

DLDP aims to strengthen representative democracy through parties with a membership-based organization. Members ensure that the party becomes a voice for the citizens' views and needs. Through partnerships, we support parties in creating a membership structure down to the local level with local voter associations. Establishing boards at the local and regional levels creates legitimacy and strengthens the internal decision-making processes within the party. We share experiences regarding candidate selection and involving members in policy development and communication, using various platforms in the modern world.

Supporting Democracy - How You Can Contribute

DLDP's efforts are about sharing knowledge and inspiring.

Every year, delegations from partnership parties visit Denmark to learn about everything from local democracy, member influence, and leadership to political topics such as energy, green transition, employment, health, and much more.

Study trips with visits to municipalities, organizations, and businesses are only possible because resource persons make themselves available.

If you are a company, politician, or administrator with valuable knowledge that you would like to share with democratic forces in a developing country, please contact us.
If you are a local branch of Venstre (Venstre-vælgerforening) and interested in forming a friendship association, please contact DLDP. We are happy to facilitate the connection.

Bent Nicolajsen
Programme Manager
Phone: +45 52 10 78 75
Email: bn@dldp.org