Multiparty Collaboration on the Edge of the EU

DLDP and The Danish Social Liberal Party collaborate with pro-European parties in Moldova. For many years, Moldova—a small country nestled between Romania and Ukraine—remained under the radar for most people. That changed recently. With Moldova’s EU referendum and presidential election making headlines in Danish media this autumn, it’s clear that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has thrust Moldova onto the geopolitical stage. Denmark has responded by establishing an embassy in the country this year.

Danish Parties Join Forces to Support Moldova

At the Danish Liberal Democracy Programme (DLDP) and The Danish Social Liberal Party, we recognize the crucial importance of Moldova’s development in shaping the region’s future, particularly in the context of Russia’s ongoing influence. This understanding has driven us to form a new multiparty partnership in Moldova.

Our experienced partner from Georgia, the Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy (EECMD), has now expanded into Moldova and is our key collaborator in this initiative. Together, we have launched a small pilot project in 2024, with plans to continue and expand the partnership in the coming years.


A Course Toward the West or Putin’s Russia

Since 2020, under President Maia Sandu, Moldova has been steering toward a pro-European path. In October, a delegation from The Danish Social Liberal Party and DLDP visited Moldova just before the first round of the presidential election and the EU referendum.

The political atmosphere was tense, with heightened Russian interest in the country, particularly in the breakaway region of Transnistria, where Russian troops are stationed. Reports of Russian interference in the election process included misinformation campaigns and voter bribery.

Despite these challenges, President Sandu secured a narrow "yes" vote for EU integration, thanks in part to the efforts of Moldovans living abroad, and was re-elected in a subsequent runoff election.


Supporting and Developing Pro-European Parties – And Possibly a People's Meeting

In Moldova, the traditional left-right political spectrum is less relevant. The real divide is whether the country will continue its pro-European trajectory or return to closer ties with Russia.

To strengthen the pro-European voices, DLDP and The Danish Social Liberal Party aim to provide strategic support to three pro-European parties. This effort will involve strategic planning and the deployment of resource persons from The Danish Social Liberal Party and Venstre to help translate strategies into actionable plans. There are also plans to foster better dialogue among Moldova’s political parties, potentially starting with the youth wings by bringing them to Denmark.

Additionally, we are considering the idea of a people’s meeting in Moldova, inspired by similar events DLDP and The Danish Social Liberal Party have successfully organized in Kenya and Georgia. During our visit, we identified a park in Chișinău that would be an ideal venue for such an event. We are hopeful that we can bring this idea to life next year.